Distance Spey Casting (Advanced)

Regular price $ 225.00

Instructor: Zack Williams 

Date/Time: Saturday, August 10th 2-6 PM

Course Description: This course will work through instructor Zack Williams’ fundamentals of distance casting with the goal of tweaking your existing casting style to add more efficiency and thus power/distance. The course will begin with a demonstration/discussion of a fundamental, then break off for 30-45 minutes of practice and hands-on instruction. Students and Zack will then meet back up for a recap and then a discussion of the next skill before breaking back off for more practice until all the fundamentals have been covered and practice time for each allowed. 

  • Course prerequisite: 4+ years of avid spey casting. Students should be comfortable and proficient with all/most of the spey casts (double spey, snap-t, single, snake roll) from both sides of the river. While this course will deal with adding distance to waterborne anchor casts for a portion of the time, much of the course will focus more on the single spey and snake roll. Students should be comfortable and fairly consistent with those casts and looking to take it to the next level. (Basics will not be covered in this class and more harm than good will come from working on distance before you have become very comfortable with basic mechanics.)
  • Equipment: This class is best suited to use of a floating line. Ideally students will bring a 14’+ rod and line of 45′ or more — but you can perform this class with a shorter rod and scandi line if that is your preferred equipment. Please use a setup that you currently practice/fish and are comfortable with! 

Location: To be announced. 

Cost: $225

Class Size Limit: 6