Anchor-centric Spey Casting (Intermediate)(Friday)

Regular price $ 225.00

Instructor: Zack Williams 

Date/Time: Friday, August 9th 1-5 PM

Course Description: This course is aimed at taking your existing spey casting skills and identifying the weakest links with the goal of improving your consistency and efficacy as a spey caster and angler, using Zack Williams’ Anchor-Centric methodology. We’ll focus on tweaking your existing casting style/form, not overhauling it. The course will progress on the following rough timeline: A 20-minute discussion of the basics of the Anchor-Centric philosophy. Everyone gets in the water and begins working on their own casting. After a few minutes of observation, Zack will come around and provide individualized feedback and tips for improvement. After roughly 1.5 hours of work, everyone will huddle back up, take a break, and then discuss some highlights/observations from the first half, answer questions, and then discuss additional/more advanced tips for improvement. Then we’ll break back off and finish the class working more on those skills. The end goal of this course is to identify 1-3 hot tips/weakest links for each student to work on, with the goal of everyone being well on their way to more consistency and skill as a spey caster.

  • Course prerequisite: Minimum 2 years of spey casting, where you’re comfortable with all the steps of the casts you are trying to perform (e.g., double spey, snap-t, single, snake roll) and are now working on improving consistency, distance, control, etc. (If you are not familiar with steps and terminology such as anchor, sweep, forward cast, etc., please join one of the beginner spey classes, which will be better suited to help you on your journey!) 
  • Equipment: Please bring the rod and reel you are comfortable with and want to practice/work on improving with. Any style of line/rod is acceptable as long as you are comfortable with it.

Location: To be announced. 

Cost: $225

Class Size Limit: 6